  • .pv   
  • 欧美I Can t Seem to Get Rid of the Horses珠宝首饰品牌
     2011-07-23 13:31:09

  • And when she turned around she saw that the horses kept walking And when she turned around she saw that the horses kept walking back towards her. Tall horses and small horses, fair ones and dark ones. She tried to chase them off. Day after day, year after year. “Quick, quick. Run!” It just didn’t feel right for them to be so close. But they still returned every morning and every night, quietly whispering poems in her ear in a language she didn’t understand. But my dear, these words were ravishing. And she kept thinking, “Do they hold on to me or do I hold on to them?”

    The collection is a transformation of her own recurring childhood fantasies of wild horse adventures into wearable jewellery pieces. The pieces are a physical manifestations of surreal equestrian creatures, reminiscing early childhood phantasies made up sitting underneath her grandmother’s kitchen table. The repeating horse figures place emphasis on the reoccurrence of her own infantile world of make-believe.

    The collection contains various neck pieces, rings, hoop earrings, bracelet. All hand made by the designer. All gold plated.

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  • 图片信息简介:欧美I Can t Seem to Get Rid of the Horses珠宝首饰品牌·编号为904061,上传时间为2011-07-23 13:31:09,模式为RGB!
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