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  • Onus切菜刀工具工业设计网站
     2011-06-27 01:38:39

    # Onus
    # Onus is an evening suit for knifes, with a simple appearance but a precious feel throughout to merge seamlessly with the contemporary kitchen. Its design communicates strength and lightness at the same time thanks to a wide front body and a thin, slim profile. Both in form and color choices, Onus incorporates features and feelings from some of the most successful products of the contemporary design era. Last but not least a touch of tradition that enriches the whole product comes from the visible wood on the top of the knife holder.

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  • 图片信息简介:Onus切菜刀工具工业设计网站·编号为903564,上传时间为2011-06-27 01:38:39,模式为RGB!
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  • Onus切菜刀工具工业设计网站
  •   工业设计 
  •   2011-06-27

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