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  • G I L G O N G O插画
     2011-06-16 23:09:01

    # G I L G O N G O # The following illustrations are all based on the fictitious stories of Kilgore Trout,who is a literary character created by a German-American writer - Kurt Vonnegut. These stories appear in Vonnegut's most well known book: Breakfast of Champions. Kurt Vonnegut died on April 11th, 2007, This body of work is a homage to his genius. GILGONGO is a title of one of Kilgore's stories. It is about a planet with too much biodiversity.

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  • 图片信息简介:G I L G O N G O插画·编号为903382,上传时间为2011-06-16 23:09:01,模式为RGB!
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