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  • 捷克CZECH LAP Glass plate玻璃盛盘设计欣赏
     2011-06-13 15:10:27

    # CZECH LAP Glass plate # Plate inspired by nature, never-ending storage of ideas. Plate is made for serving fruits, nuts or other food, even sushi. Product is made by melting glass to specially prepared molds where the glass gets its smooth surface on top and rough surface on the bott

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  • 图片信息简介:捷克CZECH LAP Glass plate玻璃盛盘设计欣赏·编号为903349,上传时间为2011-06-13 15:10:27,模式为RGB!
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    捷克CZECH LAP Glass plate玻璃盛盘设计欣赏

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  • 捷克CZECH LAP Glass plate玻璃盛盘设计欣赏
  •   平面设计 
  •   2011-06-13

  • + 平面设计