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  • 欧美 The Darkroom暗室人像
     2010-10-14 17:24:48

    The Darkroom My digital inspiration... This is a series of my favorite images I created in my darkroom. Although that old darkroom is now a large computer, I still keep an orange bulb in my lamp, next to me as a reminder of those days. Now if I only had a candle with a fixer scent. All these images were later toned in various solutions and mixes, I either made myself or pre-made, like Seleniums, Sepias and Berg toners. Much of my work involved removing tones and then painting in others. This took long hours in the darkroom and produced, one of a kind images. No two ever came out the same. What you see is a bit of magic between both worlds. After scanning my prints, I worked on them further, but note I did not alter any colors or tones. I only fixed the levels so that they may look more photographic after the scanning stage. Of course the dust and scratches had to be removed as well. I believe that having over 18 years of skills in a darkroom was a huge advantage when making the move to digital, especially with the use of PhotoShop. That became more of a matter of time to know the program, then to actually know what to do with it. I hope these images can also inspire anyone else with a similar quest. My other project "Organics" is a result of this experience. Thanks for reading.

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  • 图片信息简介:欧美 The Darkroom暗室人像·编号为57304,上传时间为2010-10-14 17:24:48,模式为RGB!
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    欧美 The Darkroom暗室人像

    24 张  

  • 欧美 The Darkroom暗室人像
  •   艺术摄影 
  •   2010-10-14

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